Prof. DI Dr. Hans-Peter Hutter
is specialist in Hygiene and Microbiology with a focus on Environmental and Preventive Medicine, as well as landscape ecology and landscape design- As deputy head of the Department for Environmental Hygiene and Environmental Medicine, ZPH, MedUni Vienna and head of the research unit “Child Public Health”, his work and research focuses on climate change / climate crisis, air pollution, environmental chemicals (e.g. pesticides, industrial chemicals), indoor climatology and electromagnetic fields (mobile communications) and noise and the effects of pollution on child health. Prof. Hutter is valued nationally and internationally for his scientifically sound risk assessments and the understandable communication of environmental and infection risks. This expertise is particularly valued for environmental medical statements / assessments in the context of official procedures, environmental impact assessments, for the medical management of the indoor air working group at the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection and as a board member of the “Doctors for a Healthy Environment” (Austrian section of the ISDE – International Society of Doctors for the Environment).